Country Specific Observations: Karmanomics and USA - №001

The world's largest economy and the most powerful country has been suffering for atleast the past two decades for various kinds of economic challenges that it has been so fae been able to tide over due to its security alliances and diplomatic plus military infrastrcuture around the world that allows it the benefits accruing out being the world's reserve currency. 

While these advantages continute to safeguard it at a macro level , at micro level especially at the societal level it seems to be bursting at the seams across parameters.

The thread that tied this extremely powerful well knit system seems to be eroding one at a time in slow motion but the corrosion is visible if you look past mainsream media headline management.

Diplomacy, Bond Markets. allies pushback, military pull backs, counter alliances gaining relevance are the most overtly visible prime examples.

(Content to be updated soon)