
Hello, my name is Rajat. I am the founder of an idea, a mission, a life centric intellectual non-violent movement named Karmanomics.

The idea is to rethink economics to focus all energies on serving humans, all other life forms and mother earth. Economics has an intimate relationship with culture and religion as also in shaping a civilization. Karmanomics, by design, also hopes to help preserve native cultures and revive betrayed civilizations.

But i do see around me and observe how economics has served a few of us not because its imperfect but it has been used as a platform for those with a veto on the economic  infrastructure design to benefit a few disproportionately. More than laws & sticks it needs a better economic design.

And this is as true in Bharat (India) and especially Sanatanis (Hindus) as for any other geography and followers of other faiths.

Thankfully I am not an expert. I don't intend to be. I wish to remain a lifelong student of life, people, civilizations and their native philosophies for i am convinced that economics ought to be a byproduct of the realization of the need to serve life on the planet as well as the planet itself.

Through Karmanomics my mission is to place these two at the centre of the economic infrastructure instead of incidental beneficiaries at the periphery while being at the core of sustenance of the very infrastructure while being unaware of the power dynamics.

The rich must not be hated. Many of them especially the inheritor generations would be in favour of the models i propose. And it appears this is likely to be accepted warmly across geographies around the world.

Capitalism is as ideal in the mind of the realists as socialism in the mind of the idealists.

Karmanomics intends to be a bridge that helps the two reach a common point bypassing the toxic waters of financialization in an inefficient capitalistic system marred by excessive elected as well as bureaucratic Government interference as well as under socialism by creating an ecosystem while letting people free yet the fruits of collective labour be shared but in a manner that is not unfair to neither.

Is that ignorant idealism? or do we have potential solutions right in front of our eyes but the over trained conditioned minds are unable to observe?

Someday i wish to see the dance of economic democracy in its ideal manifestation instead of a trickle down mindset.

All my work is in my individual capacity. Any and all contributions are highly valued and will help me focus on my work to make this world a better and less greedy place. There is no company or NGO. No Tax benefits. If you still contribute you're awesome!