The need for Karmanomics:

Economic theories don’t feed people!

Charity feeds people but keeps them dependent. Government handouts make them tradable commodities before every elections for votes.

Even this being a luxury where people are considered worthy of a vote in inefficient democracies versus undemocratic regimes.

After a 2000 plus years of recorded human history, we are failing to feed people of our world and failing to provide them a fair chance to earn their livelihood with over 3,00,00,00,000 plus of our fellow human beings living in poverty while companies hitting Trillion $ market caps...we are failing.

What makes this worse is that we are efficiently failing & succeeding inefficiently at the same time. If you add factors like geographic & demographic over-concentration of 'accounted for' wealth it makes it worse. Becomes inhuman if you take a dive into attempting to understand the world of unaccounted for wealth, the means requires and the infrastructure created to run that system directly funded by the official economy.

That doesn't make capitalism bad. It just means that we lack tools as well as commitment to correct this anomaly which has led to a mammoth challenge.

Verbose talks, Corporate Social Responsibility backed by viral campaigns and lofty claims by politicians mean precious little to a parent seeing their child go hungry.

And whether we acknowledge it or not the law of Karma ends up affecting the quality of our lives in multiple manifestations.

Centralized planning and schemes have failed to deliver and make impact on the lives of people. 

It can't be that the intentions are bad. I have met some well meaning bureaucrats trying their best to make a difference. I have also had this discussion with some IAS aspirants and mostly had a mission to serve the country and its citizens. I also know many a concerned capitalists (myself included) who love the game of capitalism but are sad to see not everyone being able to reap its dividends.

Then where are we going wrong?

Could it be that the problem lies in our understanding of money. More importantly the whole infrastructure that has evolved around it by trials and a lot of error.

Do fancy words, delphic phrasing and brochures selling financial derivatives add more value to the world than an illiterate farmer who creates actual value or a balloon seller who commands a 300% premium on his wares while making his lungs stronger or an incense stick maker who can afford to pay back and just needs a slight push in bad times so as to sustain his/her venture.

These people live in the real world and their word means a lot to them. They are not protected by LLCs, offshore companies and unlike the fancier users of financial instruments their business and personal life are intertwined in more ways than one.

The world is desperate for healing.
And a lot of that could be financial healing. 

Many other major issues not covered by media or out of our area of concern are also driven by financial motivations, resources & infrastructure.

If you are in the financial middle class you may occasionally sympathize & some other times empathize with this quote.

You must have seen in person or in images people whom you know need help and at the same time would have seen still others some of whom may inspire you when unknown and make you at least partially jealous if known to you.

Images of luxury, beyond luxury and obscene wealth.

Not asking you to become a saint but after you read this stanza do close your eyes and think; what is the purpose of economics & this whole financial financial infrastructure created around the world?

If you are reading this on a full stomach in a relatively stable country & economy, a clean neighbourhood and a reasonably comfortable room chances are you may sympathize with the situation but despite your best intentions and efforts you cannot empathize enough to be fully able to understand the full magnitude and gravity of the situation.

In my limited travels and observations one notion that makes me shudder is that if the visible side of poverty hits us so bad for its lack of human dignity just how bad must it be for those who can't aren't even visible. That is: they are not even able to participate freely by contributing to and rewards by participating in the economic system.

Capitalism is generally irresponsible in practice. And socialism is unproductive.

If you really need a hook then you may call this attempt at offering an alternative infrastructure for money as a slight back-end code change to make it a more updated and relevant version of capitalism that we can call 'Responsible Capitalism' or in the case of socialism we can call it 'Productive Socialism'. 

Such fancy terms matter to those whose basic needs are met and the discussions are more intellectual or even egoistic in nature.

For the ones whose life is affected by it...its availability or lack of a solutions to some of the existential problems of life they face on a daily basis.

This is an attempt at ending global poverty with a responsible financial structure and fighting the current inefficiencies observed around the world by being a part of an inefficient system from the inside and fit just a few missing pieces of a jigsaw that has evolved over the years with all our efforts...lacking as those may be...imperfect as the system may is better to cleanse it via the changes at the root of its design rather than pushing an untested alternative system that can potentially wreak havoc on the global economy.

I am sure this will invite sharp criticism from some quarters. I will be made fun of for being naive among other things. And linking economics overtly with a religion is economic blasphemy.

Humans have been 'made to experiment' with multiple economic models over recorded history.

It's time we come together and have a say in the model derived by us designed to serve us, our civilizations, our lands, our planet & all species.